Three is a magic number. This month, three happy clients received new trademarks:
We heartily congratulate Michael on his fourth trademark. Marla will be receiving a new trademark for her 60 year old restaurant.We successfully expedited the application when an Internet troll threatened to divert business from her. Last but not least, Dorota will receive a new trademark, for her vanilla scented toy road and track sets.
Michael, Marla, Dorota, and other small business owners like them, are persevering through the pandemic. They provide valuable products and services that keep our homes warm in the winter, our stomachs full, and our children entertained. They have invested in trademarks to protect the brands they have worked hard to build. Once registered, trademarks can be renewed indefinitely, making them one of the best bangs for your intellectual property buck. To learn more if a trademark is right for you, contact me today.